Rate : | 3 (based on 4 votes)
Views : | 14684 |
Duration : | 9min |
Date : | Dec 5, 2008. 10:47 |
Language : | English |
Description : We were psyched to try out the Line 6 JM4 Looper after seeing how similar it looked to the highly touted DL4 and FM4 boxes, some of Line 6's finest pieces ... [+]
Description : We were psyched to try out the Line 6 JM4 Looper after seeing how similar it looked to the highly touted DL4 and FM4 boxes, some of Line 6's finest pieces of work. The JM4 is good at something, but it just doesn't seem like looping is its forte. It does do looping, but it seems like Line 6 was more focused on providing the Spider Jam presets, functionality and controls than they were with making an actual looper. Still, if you want to see Gearwire's favorite Irishman all frazzled up about a guitar pedal, this might be your only chance. And if you're looking for a great practice tool with some extra features and don't need the whole "amp" part of the Spider Jam -- bingo -- you got a winner.
From : nantho
News Editor _-_ http://www.tape47.biz/ _-_ http://www.youtube.com/user/Nantho |
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