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Line 6 POD X3 Live Walkthru: Sneaking A Look At The Back Panel
If you're interested in the Line 6 POD X3 Live, chances are, you probably won't even touch the S/PDIF output, but wouldn't you at least like to know what...
Line 6 POD X3 Live Turns Guitar Into A Synth, Part Two
The Line 6 POD X3 undoubtedly boasts a huge array of sounds that go from conventional to, in this case, extreme.
Line 6 Pod HD500 Review
We take a look at this new floor unit from Line 6 with improved amp models, interfacing and more. For more guitar related reviews and news:...
Review Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer with iPad
MIDI interface for your iPad - yes it DOES work with that as well as the iPhone and iPod Touch. Comes with MIDI Memo a basic recording app.
Line 6 Mobile In for the iPad iPhone
Line 6 Mobile In for the iPad iPhone is demonstrated by staff.
NAMM2012 Line6 StageScape M20d mixer
A 20-channel digital mixer that features an intuitive touchscreen where you can move and size icons, or a deep-dive editing mode with standard...
NAMM2012 Line 6 StageSource L3t Powered Speaker
Line 6's StageSource system includes the L3t Powered Speaker, a smart speaker that knows when it's standing upright on a pole, it behaves like a main, and ...
Line 6 POD X3 Live Turns Guitar Into A Synth
With the waning availability of keytars over the last two decades, it's getting tougher and tougher to look ridiculously awesome on stage anymore. With...
NAMM2011 Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer
Can you really make music with an iPad, an inexpensive app, and a $79 keyboard designed for games? Line 6's Marcus Ryle shows that you indeed can, thanks...
Line 6 Wireless System Relay G90 Review
We take a look at the top of the range wireless instrument system, with 300ft range.