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Mary - LIVE recording cover Alicia Keys - No One

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Rate :3.3 (based on 3 votes)
Views :3183
Duration :9min 21s
Date :Dec 14, 2010. 09:15
Language :English

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Description : Recording lead vocal - Captured Live on Ustream at [site] Prerecording session in Shine Music Studio - Croatia [site]
From : shinemusic
Shine Music Studio (SMS) provides full service of recording and production, from the first note to the closing sound of the song or instrumental, ready for sale! Regardless of whether you are a young musician on the rise, composer-singer, a singer or a band, and you want to make a good professional demo, or you are already renowned among the broad audience and you wish to record, mix or master your album, we will prove to be the best choice for you. Audio post production for a documentary or a feature film is also not foreign to us and we have an ample experience and noted results in such production of sound. Ten years of experience and satisfaction of our clients so far prove it.

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