Rate : | 3 (based on 3 votes)
Views : | 6947 |
Duration : | 9min 59s |
Date : | Mar 3, 2008. 00:00 |
Language : | English |
Description : This is my fender jaguar review , i love this guitar and i could talk about her for half an hour i tried to be as brief as possible when i finished the... [+]
Description : This is my fender jaguar review , i love this guitar and i could talk about her for half an hour i tried to be as brief as possible when i finished the video it was 15 mins long so i had to delete the history part and some other info , maybe I'll do another vid explaining some other thing about the jag. anyway you can find all the info you want in www.fenderjaguar.net , this guitar is a beauty but be sure to learn how to love fender offsets before getting one :) just and advice hope you enjoy and I'll talk some more about this guitar later on. as usual is runned through tone port kb37 and the distortion model used is the one thats supposed to be ehx big muff the amp model is fender the fender twin one with an ac-15 cab
From : nantho
News Editor _-_ http://www.tape47.biz/ _-_ http://www.youtube.com/user/Nantho |
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