Rate : | 3.1 (based on 3 votes)
Views : | 5877 |
Duration : | 4min 17s |
Date : | Jul 12, 2011. 12:11 |
Language : | English |
Description : Touch DJ is the first full-featured DJ MP3 application on the iPhone platform. Touch DJ offers realtime independent manipulation of 2 MP3 files, including ... [+]
Description : Touch DJ is the first full-featured DJ MP3 application on the iPhone platform. Touch DJ offers realtime independent manipulation of 2 MP3 files, including scratching, looping, positioning, equalization, effects and and pitching. The unique futuristic user-friendly interface of Touch DJ and the highly advanced zero-latency sound engine bring fantastic results comparable to what can be done with professional hardware equipment. Traditionally iPhone and iPod Touch have only one stereo audio output which broadens the possibility of using them as a DJ device. Touch DJ overcomes this limitation by offering innovative and unique way of deejaying which doesn't require additional headphones for prelistening to the tracks. This technology is called "visual mixing" and it implies the graphic display of the track waveforms next to each other. The low-bass (kick) parts are detected and rendered in different color compared to the rest sonic frequencies, making beatmatching as easy as adjusting the tracks position and pitch so that the kick parts become visually matched. As an alternative for the users who really need to prelisten to the tracks, Touch DJ also offers a second "Split" mode of mixing which requires the usage of a special l/r splitting adapter. Among extra features - LP filter FX for each track, vinyl Spin and Break effects, onboard sampler with 3 sample slots (accepts .WAV files) and the ability to record samples via the microphone. As a bonus, Touch DJ is shipped with 25 dance tracks provided by DanceMusicHub.com.
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