Rate : | 3.3 (based on 3 votes)
Views : | 5178 |
Duration : | 1min 35s |
Date : | Oct 16, 2009. 14:29 |
Language : | English |
Description : Plogue's new soft-synthesizer turns your VST/AU/RTAS host into a classic video game console, vintage 8bit home computer and even an 80s arcade. Plogue... [+]
Description : Plogue's new soft-synthesizer turns your VST/AU/RTAS host into a classic video game console, vintage 8bit home computer and even an 80s arcade. Plogue chipsounds authentically emulates more than eight vintage 8bit-era sound chips (on top of their variants), down to their smallest idiosyncrasies.
From : nantho
News Editor _-_ http://www.tape47.biz/ _-_ http://www.youtube.com/user/Nantho |
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