Best of O-Live - Pro Tools on a NeKo XXL
On this broadcast, Jim Stout and special guest, J. Scott G., demonstrate...
Open Labs NeKo LX5 & Interactive Worship Live
Philip from Interactive Worship Live shows off his NeKo LX5 setup for his...
Arturia Origin Live Tweaking
Arturia Origin Live Tweaking
Waldorf Blofeld Guises As Ableton Live...
Bill Holland hooks up the Waldorf Blofeld to Ableton Live to get his old...
Novation Music Demo - Launchpad, Novation...
This music-only dance music demo uses the Launchpad, Novation UltraNova,...
Open Labs - Simple Beat Making using GURU and ...
Hosted by Open Labs Technical Writer Ed Rhone, this video shows how to...
Korg microKORG XL Official Product...
Korg presents the microKORG XL Synthesizer/Vocoder! Features include...
Korg microSTATION - MusikMesse 2010
Korg presents its new microSTATION. At a size and price usually reserved...
MicroKorg XL Sonic LAB Review
We take a look at the new microKORG XL - the replacement of the original...
NAMM2011 - Yamaha Karma 3.0
A short demo of the new Karma V 3.0 (from Karma Labs and Stefen Kay) and...
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