Rate : | 3.3 (based on 1 votes)
Views : | 4080 |
Duration : | 7min 58s |
Date : | Aug 31, 2009. 08:10 |
Language : | English |
Description : The Pulsemonger takes an input signal and converts it to a pulsewave that also has a mixable sub-octave pulsewave. Both pulse octaves pulsewidth/duty... [+]
Description : The Pulsemonger takes an input signal and converts it to a pulsewave that also has a mixable sub-octave pulsewave. Both pulse octaves pulsewidth/duty cycle are variable from about 5% to 50%. There is an on-board variable shape triangular LFO that can modulate both pulses simultaneously. Chorus/vibrato/tremelo/synth fuzz and other crazy noises can be had with this pedal. Thanks to Danny of 'The Jameses' for playing guitar while I fiddled with the knobs.
From : nantho
News Editor _-_ http://www.tape47.biz/ _-_ http://www.youtube.com/user/Nantho |
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