Logic Pro X - Converting Rex to Apple Loops
Apple Logic Pro 9 Sonic LAB Review
We take a look at some of the new features added in the latest upgrade to...
Apple iPad 2 Love TV Ad UK Featuring StompBox
Apple's iPad 2 Love Commercial for the UK market featuring StompBox from...
How to import Apple Loops into Garage Band...
Laura from P5Audio briefly explains how to import apple loops into a...
UAD-2 Trailer
The UAD-2 DSP cards are the ultimate sonic upgrade for your DAW bringing...
Reason 4 : Using Acid Loops and Apple Loops
A quick look at how to use Apple loops and Acid Loops in a Reason 4 song...
Modartt Pianoteq 3 trailer
Modartt released version 3 of their pianoteq VSTi plugin.
Sparkverb Official Trailer
With a cutting-edge algorithmic design, Sparkverb breaks ...
UAD Trident A-Range EQ Trailer
This video describes the Universal Audio Trident A-Range EQ Powered...
Vir2 Instruments Violence Trailer
The official trailer for Vir2 Instruments' Violence virtual instrument.
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