MusikMesse 2013: Nord Lead 4 performance...
Future Music get a demo of Clavia Nord's latest vitrual analogue...
Musikmesse 2012 JUPITER-50 Synthesizer...
The JUPITER-50 is equipped with a sound engine that's the sonic equal of...
Akai Miniak Synth - MusikMesse 2009
Overview of the new Akai Miniak Synth, at Franckfurt MusikMesse 2009.
Gigantic modular synth: Doepfer A-100 -...
Doepfer's A-100 Analog Modular System, proudly on display at Frankfurt...
Akai's new MPD18 and Miniak synth -...
The folks at Akai give MusicRadar the skinny on what's new for Musikmesse...
Musikmesse 2013: Korg Volca series
Korg have built on the success of their Monotron and Monotribe with a new...
MusikMesse 2013 - Korg MS20 Creator Interview
We had the chance to speak to Mr Fumio Mieda - one of the creators of the...
Musikmesse 2013 Eric Persing talks about the...
Eric Persing, the man behind Spectrasonics, did much of the sound design...
Mono Synth --- Poly Synth
Using EML Polybox, you can make polyphonic sound with 1 VCO monophonic...
Modular synthesizer
This is a demonstration of a analog modular synthesizer from...
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