Genoqs Octopus Basic Demonstration 2
2nd Lesson about Realtime Recording of notes & cc-Midicontrollers. Have Fun
Genoqs Octopus Basic Demonstration 5
A short demonstration about how to program chords up to 7 notes and how to ...
Genoqs Octopus Basic Demonstration 1
This is a short demonstration about how easy it is to make music with...
Genoqs Octopus Basic Demoinstration 3
A short demonstration of the EFFEKTOR, a function to manipulate/modulate...
Genoqs Octopus Basic Demonstration 4
Short demo about doing snapshots for quick music context variations.
Reactable: basic demo #1
The reactable, is a multi-user electronic music instrument with a tabletop ...
Nintendo DS NitroTracker - Salt & Peppa -Push
A demo of NitroTracker for Nintendo DS. Song: Salt N Peppa - Push It. All...
Sonic TALK 325 -George Duke
Notes to Follow.
Yamaha Tenori-on triggering video sequences...
Another piece using the Tenori-on to create sequence in sound and visuals...
Stringsavvy.com Violin Lesson 8
An Introduction to Eighth Notes
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