Rate : | 3 (based on 4 votes)
Views : | 4034 |
Duration : | 3min 14s |
Date : | Feb 3, 2008. 00:00 |
Language : | English |
Description : Hey there, just a test of my NEW Audix Fusion 7 Mic kit. Sorry it's so dark. It's a dungeon in the basement.
Snare Mic: Audix F-10 (Snare Top)
Bass... [+]
Description : Hey there, just a test of my NEW Audix Fusion 7 Mic kit. Sorry it's so dark. It's a dungeon in the basement.
Snare Mic: Audix F-10 (Snare Top)
Bass Mic: Audix F-14 (Pointed through bass port at beater)
I recorded the audio separately onto Cool Edit Pro 2.0 ,via line in, and then mixed it in Sony Vegas.
From : nantho
News Editor _-_ http://www.tape47.biz/ _-_ http://www.youtube.com/user/Nantho |
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