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Views : | 4056 |
Duration : | 2min 5s |
Date : | Jun 15, 2008. 00:00 |
Language : | English |
Description : AES Oral History 053: Stanley P. Lipshitz. Professor Lipshitz's research interests are multidisciplinary, drawing on areas of applied mathematics,... [+]
Description : AES Oral History 053: Stanley P. Lipshitz. Professor Lipshitz's research interests are multidisciplinary, drawing on areas of applied mathematics, physics, and electrical and mechanical engineering. They include the mathematical theory of dithered quantizers, noise shapers, and sigma-delta modulators, and the physical acoustics of nonlinear sound radiation and active noise control problems. Professor Lipshitz has consulted and collaborated extensively on dithered quantizers and noise shapers for the digital audio and music industries with companies such as Philips Classics, Decca Records, Deutsche Grammophon, CBS, Sonic Solutions, Meridian Audio, and Weiss Engineering. These techniques are now standard practice in digital audio mastering and signal processing. He is a past President of the AES.
From : nantho
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