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Analog Audio Editing with ReVox
Freaky montage by JTHZ. 80s tape cuts played back on a ReVox B77, using Maxell tape, BASF PW 384 stickers. Used for this were : Tighten Up/I Just Can't...
May 14, 2013. 09:17
ReVox A77 MK III from 1972
This is one of my two ReVox A77 MK III from 1972 (itīs not an MK II like I told you in the video - sorry!). If you wanna know the age of your A77, take...
Revox A77: How to create a reel-to-reel tape loop
This video will show you once again how to create a tape-loop. Somebody asked me to do a tape-loop on a ReVox A77. Here is the demonstration: it works (-; ...