Recent Videos
Musikmesse 2013: u-he Bazille with Urs Heckmann
U-he founder, Urs Heckmann explains his new synth, Bazille. After four years in the alpha stage, the Modular FM, phase distortion and fractal resonance...
MusikMesse13: U-He Satin Tape Machine
MESSE13: U-He Satin Tape Machine We take a look at the new tape simulator and find out the you can really get under the hood.
All new XMF in Zebra 2.5
The XMF has always been a powerful stereo filter, but in Zebra 2.5 it has gained some massive enhancements. It can now process 2 stereo filters in series...
U-he ACE Tutorial: Patch Cables 101
A step-by-step tutorial with a conceptual overview of patch cables and a walkthrough creating two presets using patch cables. The video should shorten...
U-he ACE : He Loves My Pies
This is a little music video in brickfilm-style for our song He Loves My Pies. This was initially thought to be a demo tune for the new ACE synthesizer...
U-he Zebra Tutorial
My first attempt for a Zebra tutorial video. Unfotunately the output of the synth is a bit louder than my voice, but I'll train this ;)
U-he Bazille Sneak Preview III - Patched Up!
Here are some early examples for unusual patches. Note that the soundquality here is really bad, but I guess you catch the drift. No fx used of course,...
U-he Bazille Sneak Preview II
I know this one is boring, but I need to demonstrate the muitiples to some people. Skip to another video for something impressive :oops:
U-he Bazille Sneak Preview I
Here's a sneak preview of the first synth inside the upcoming Berlin Modular System. This synth combines FM-Synthesis, Phase Distortion and subtractive in ...
U-he More Feedback Machine - GiveItToMe
It shows 5 (ahem, 6, *cough*) samples being looped and modified...