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UAD Fairchild Tube Limiter Plug-In Collection Trailer
For a half-century, the Fairchild 670 — and its aggressive little brother, the Fairchild 660 — have defined much of popular music's most revered vocal ...
UAD API Vision Channel Strip Plug-In Trailer
For the first time ever, you can have a complete channel strip of classic API punch, presence, and color with the API Vision Channel Strip plug-in for...
UAD ENGL Amplifier Plug-Ins Trailer
From vintage clean sounds to state-of-the-art high-gain textures, the ENGL Amplifiers Plug-In Bundle will arm your studio with a world class palette of...
UAD v7.1 Flex Routing Features
In this short video, UA's Erik Hanson and Patrick Aurelio cover the new Flex Routing features for the Apollo and Apollo 16 Interfaces, as well as other...
UAD Pultec EQ Collection Artist Testimonials
Hear what top mixer/producers Neal Cappellino, Jeff Balding, Richard Dodd, and Vance Powell are saying about the UAD Pultec Passive EQ Collection. For...
Official 2013 UA Apollo & Apollo 16 Interfaces w/ UAD Processing...
Building upon decades of UA's analog design heritage, the Apollo and Apollo 16 offer extremely high-resolution sound — with the lowest THD and highest...
Apollo Interface Multi-Unit Demo w/ Fab Dupont
If you couldn't make it down to Anaheim for the 2013 Winter NAMM Show, then you definitely missed seeing and hearing Apollo interfaces operating in...
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveler Plug-In Collection Trailer
The Teletronix LA-2A Leveler Collection for the UAD Powered Plug-Ins Platform and Apollo interface puts three stunningly accurate incarnations of the...
API® 500 Series EQ Plug-In Collection Trailer
Universal Audio brings you the definitive sound of the API 550A and 560 EQs as UAD plug-ins, faithfully capturing the characteristic filter shapes,...
Universal Audio - Apollo updates, new plug-ins
Universal Audio - Apollo updates, new plug-ins from Universal Audio and Softube.