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Tereshkova demo #01: Used with Oberkorn sequencer
Tereshkova modular synth and Oberkorn sequencer. First ever demo. Tereshkova is identical to Vostok, except that instead of a matrix panel and VU meter...
Jun 29, 2012. 11:43

Tereshkova demo #02: Messing with the joystick
Controlling clock speed of sequencer (using VC LFO) and filter cutoff with the joystick. Tereshkova is identical to Vostok, except that instead of a...
May 19, 2010. 07:23

Europa hardware MIDI sequencer demo with Blofeld & DR670
Europa sequencer. This is the pre-prod unjit (99% finished), used here with Blofeld adn DR670 drums. Showing drum editing, octave shift, mute, transpose....
Feb 8, 2010. 14:14

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