Snyderphonics Manta - fading overtone example
Eric Wubbels demonstrates the Manta's ability to give independent continuous control over several notes at once. In this example, Eric plays a chord, and...
Snyderphonics Manta - pizzicato example
Eric Wubbels demonstrates the quick response of the manta with a patch that imitates a plucked string envelope.
Snyderphonics Manta technique demonstration
This is an example of an effective technique for using the continuous data from the sensors on the Snyderphonics Manta. While it's possible to get useful...
Snyderphonics Manta glissando example
Eric Wubbels demonstrates glissandos on the Snyderphonics Manta controller.
Snyderphonics Manta - Castle Theme
Eric plays a little of the castle theme from Super Mario Bros on a Snyderphonics Manta.
Snyderphonics Manta sequencer / drum machine / bassline
Jeff Snyder shows off a sequencer patch on the Snyderphonics Manta. All sounds are being controlled from the manta -- used as a three voice 16-step...
Snyderphonics Manta controlling Kontakt sampler
Here is an example of a Snyderphonics Manta controlling a harpsichord sample set in Kontakt.
Manta interfacing with Logic instrument example - piano
In this video, Jeff Snyder demonstrates the Manta's ability to easily interface with MIDI instruments like those in Logic. This example uses Logic's...
Snyderphonics Manta controlling Logic drum samples
An example of using the Manta to control Logic instruments. In this case, I'm using a drumset sample bank.
Snyderphonics Manta - electric piano demo
Here's a quick demonstration of the Manta controlling an electric piano software instrument.