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NativeKONTROL PXT-Live - New Features in v1.0.5
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NativeKONTROL PXT-General Overview Part 1: Introduction
For more info, please visit: [site]
NativeKONTROL PXT-Live Overview Part 5: Note Mode - Sequencing...
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NativeKONTROL PXT-Live Overview Part 2
For more info, please visit: [site]
Japanese beatmasters love Maschine
Learn how Maschine elevates the game of five Japanese beatmasters in this exclusive video. [site] Beat warrior DJ...
Traktor DJ Cable - the entry-level Traktor DJ solution
Traktor DJ Cable is an ideal solution for beginner DJs starting out with Traktor DJ. Traktor DJ Cable lets you pre-listen to your next track for smoother...
Industry pros trust Native Instruments Komplete
Get dramatic savings on soundtrack superstars ACTION STRINGS, DAMAGE, KONTAKT 5, THE GIANT, and more. Find out more:...
Native Instruments' supergroup Mostly Robot
Future Music meet a supergroup formed by Native Instruments, that includes artists Jamie Lidell, Tim Exile, Jeremy Ellis, Mr. Jimmy and DJ Shiftee. Watch...
The new Traktor Kontrol X1 is coming
The carefully redesigned DJ performance controller for TRAKTOR PRO 2 is coming soon. [site] Witness the evolution of TRAKTOR ...