Nomad Factory ECHOES Analog Delay plugin review
Soundsandgear.com plugin-review checking out a nice analog delay plugin from nomad factory called ECHOES
TWA Great Divide 2.0 - Analog Synth Octaver
[site] The TWA Great Divide 2.0 is an all analog octave divider with 5 independent voices. Each voice...
PreSonuSphere 2013: Recording and Comping Vocals in Studio One...
Justin Lassen and Naomi Mercer spoke at PreSonuSphere 2013, and shared some of their production secrets concerning recording and comping vocals in...
Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac
Apogee Duet for iPad & Mac
Nomad Factory British Bundle Demo
In this video we show how to use the Nomad Factory British Bundle Plugins. We use both the NEQ-1972 and the MLC-2296 on every track of this downtempo song ...
Zynaptiq Unveil 1.5 Review and Tutorial
This week Veranova reviews 'Unveil' by Zynaptic, and teaches how to use it in the process.
Unveil is a 'Signal Focusing' plugin based on human perception, ...
First Look: Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer 2 - Hands on with Computer Music ...
Our friends at Computer Music magazine explores Blue Cat Audio's new MB-7 Mixer 2!
Moog Minifooger Ring Modulator
[site] The Moog Minifooger Ring Modulator brings you a 100% analog effect that mixes your dry guitar signal with...
Processing Rap Vocals using Waves CLA Compressors
How is a great video about how to bring out the best in Rap Vocals using two of the Waves compressor plug-ins.
Apogee MiC 96k
Apogee MiC 96k