Recent Videos
NAMM 2011 Nord Stage 2
88, 76 & 73 note stage piano on demo with SOS
Buchla 200 Modular Synth (part 2)
Some more buchla. The chords are set up by the 5 x 4 sequencer which is just triggered from the 4 touch plates on the left. The sequence is one oscillator ...
Open Labs - Simple Beat Making using GURU and REAPER
Hosted by Open Labs Technical Writer Ed Rhone, this video shows how to make a simple beat using the drum program GURU, recording program REAPER, and Open...
Apr 11, 2012. 16:03
NAMM2011 Yamaha CLP-470 Clavinola
Among other enhancements, Yamaha's latest Clavinola has an entirely new keybed with a graded hammer action.
Fairlight Keith Emerson
1983 Today Show with Keith Emerson and the Fairlight CMI.
Musikmesse2011 Korg Monotribe -
Analogue Ribbon Station shown at the Musikmesse 2011. The Monotribe gives also analog drums sounds.
Musikmesse2012 Waldorf Zarenbourg Demo
From the Winter Namm 2007 to the latest Musikmesse, You can see the Zarenbourg. That's right, this is a physical modeled Rhodes type piano. It is digital. ...
MusikMesse2012 Novation
A view of the Novation product range on show at Musikmesse 2012, including information on the new Daniel Fisher sound pack for the Ultranova.
Musikmesse 2012 JUPITER-50 Synthesizer Overview
The JUPITER-50 is equipped with a sound engine that's the sonic equal of its big brother JUPITER-80, containing most of the SuperNATURAL acoustic and...
NAMM2012 Casio XW-P1 Performance Synthesizer
Introduction to the new XW-P1 Performance Synthesizer from Casio by Mike Martin.